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Home Rotate Digital Downloads Stream Audiobooks, Movies, Music & More to Your Favorite Device Lexington County Library is pleased to offer downloadable digital content for our patrons. In order to download materials, you’ll need a valid library card and email address. For additional help with digital downloads or for personal assistance, visit your local library […]

Native American Heritage Month

November is Native American Heritage Month and to celebrate we have some facts about Native American history. However, please note that “Native American” encompasses many, many, many different cultures across the country — so for the purpose of this writing we have purposefully been very broad and focus largely on general Native American history. If you would like to learn more about a specific tribe and Indigenous history, visit any of our locations or go to Ask A Librarian for more information.

It’s NaNoWriMo Time

Fall is finally here. That means football, pumpkin spice, temperatures below 90 degrees and — for the month of November — NaNoWriMo. NaNoWri—WHAT? National Novel Writing


Witches (and wizards) wield magic with a wave of a wand, a wiggle of a nose and the snap of a finger. Whether they are from Oz, Camelot, the Discworld — or the most magical land of all, Scotland — witches and wizards have made us spell-bound.


Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf? Not us. Werewolves are one of the world’s most famous shape-shifters, and have enthralled us in stories — both in print and on screens. Below the glow of a full moon, werewolves frolic and stalk the night. But what else do you know about werewolves? Read these hair-raising facts, and become a shape-shifting scholar.


Mermaids swim and splash through our imaginations in a flurry of shells, seaweed and scales. They give us mental images of gorgeous beaches, serene lagoons, sunken pirate ships and underwater cities made of coral. Not to mention grottos full of human treasures such as gadgets, gizmos, whozits, whatsits and thingamabobs galore. The secretive nature of these elusive men and women of the sea leave us with many questions. Surf through these awesome Mermaid facts and feel free to shell them out as you “sea” fit.

Phantom of the Opera

This weekend I started reading The Phantom of the Opera, the classic mystery/horror novel by French author Gaston Leroux. Having grown up in the 80s and 90s, I am of course familiar with the hit musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and have been singing it for days in anticipation of reading the novel for Irmo’s Multimedia Book Club. Almost immediately upon beginning my read of the classic novel, I was struck by a distinct impression: Ya’ll, this is going to be GOOD.


Regardless of whether they are the heroes or villains of their story, vampires captivate our imaginations. These blood-sucking fiends (or, in some cases, friends) hide in the shadows, cloaked in the darkness of night. While vampires may hide from the sun, let us metaphorically shine a light on these ferocious, fanged creatures of the night.

Hispanic Heroes You Should Know About

America is a beautiful melting pot of cultures, experiences and stories. Included in our great American narrative is the Hispanic and Latin American community. From September 15 to October 15, our country celebrates National Hispanic Heritage month. Hispanic culture has enriched the American way of life along with the way of the world from spicy cuisine, to the vibrant sounds of bachata, salsa and merengue.

Programs & Events

Home Programs & Events With topics for all ages . We offer programs for all ages, such as storytime, technology training, workforce development, educational resources and so much more.  Calendar View PDF View Date Title Current MonthDay List Tiles Schedule Day Month

Women, Their Rights & Nothing Less

Happy Women’s Equality Day. August 26 marks the anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, the amendment to the United States Constitution that gave women the right to vote. This year is extra special, because 2020 marks 100 years since the ratification of that amendment.

Back to School

Summer is coming to an end which means it’s time to get ready for school. Avoid the anxiety and let this be an exciting time for you and your children. Keep these tips in mind for a smooth transition back to school.

Fairy Tales: Little Red & Cinderella

Fairy tales are an important genre in children’s literature and have been passed down from generation to generation. Usually ending “happily ever after,” fairy tales make for a perfect family read aloud. These favorites …


We sing about an entire family of sharks to an incredibly catchy beat. We hum the Jaws theme in the pool. We know that some sharks declare that “fish are friends, not food.” We get excited every year for Shark Week. We’re still not sure why there are so many Sharknado movies.

Lefties Get Their Day

Oh, hear the cheerful cries of the left-handed population. August 13 is officially recognized as International Left-Handers Day, and I find it most important to honor these everyday troopers for making it in a right-handed world. Why, you ask?

Congressman John Lewis

An American hero. A mover and shaker in the Civil Rights movement. Congressman John Lewis left a legacy that will far outlive his 80 years. On July 17, 2020 the fighter for justice and equality passed away. He is remembered for his relentless fight for human rights as well as leading the famous 1965 march in Selma, Alabama which garnered support for the Voting Rights Act.

Frida Kahlo

Mexican artist Frida Kahlo rendered the experiences of her life through painting, her colorful folk-art infused with surrealist elements that portrayed her pain, love and cultural heritage. She painted her first self-portrait while in a plaster cast, recovering from a devastating injury to her spine. As a young woman, a bus crash nearly killed her — leaving more than lasting scars, as the trauma affected her the rest of her life. This pain, and her loving but turbulent marriage to muralist Diego Rivera, became integral to her art, which also depicted the indigenous cultures of Mexico.

Literature’s Love Guru

As a Jane Austen novice, I was intrigued to read about one of her most popular novel characters, Emma, of whom Austen stated, “I am

Learn at Home

For supporting children’s continuous learning at home and for back-to-school plans, we’ve got you covered with virtual learning materials. Explore any interest, develop new skills, connect with others in the community.

Virtual South Carolina Road Trips

With stay-at-home orders extended, many of us are starting to get cabin fever — we’re itching to stretch our legs and do something new