Black History is American History
I remember being in school as a kid and wondering why we were only taught about historical Black figures during February. I then remember being confused because we only talked about well-known names like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.
Tips for Back to School
The back-to-school season is upon us, bringing with it a blend of excitement, nervousness and anticipation. Whether you’re a student, a parent or a teacher, this time of year marks a fresh beginning and a chance to set the tone for the upcoming academic year. To help you navigate this transitional period with confidence, we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks to ensure a successful start to the school year.
Learning & Growing with Mother Nature
Chapin Branch Library is planting a pollinator garden. After receiving our Certified Wildlife Habitat® status from the South Carolina Wildlife Federation, we looked around and asked what else we could do to promote lifelong environmental learning. So much of our food comes from flowering plants — apples, cucumbers, watermelons, nuts and so much more. Crops depend on our wildlife friends to pollinate the flowers while they search for food. I learned this firsthand when a failed pumpkin patch never produced a single pumpkin. The vine was there, and flowers bloomed, but with no pollinators, no pumpkins grew.
Why Adults are Reading YA
Adults are reading Young Adult (YA) literature. Yeah, adult adults — grown people with jobs, who pay their own bills, chat about interest rates on mortgages, or maybe even have young adult children themselves. Not only are they reading it, they also make up most of YA literature’s readership.
People We Meet on Vacation
2021 was a great year for romance novels. Being a romantic at heart, I devour romance books with relish and it’s so refreshing to see an increasing number of diverse authors writing books with diverse characters falling in love. It’s also interesting to see this genre evolve into several sub-genres including contemporary romances with multidimensional characters who warm your heart with their goals, quirks, worries, likes and dislikes.
Potty Training Like a Pro
It’s time to talk about that horrible “P” word — potty. When it is time for potty training, you can’t help being a little apprehensive. Even if you have previous potty training experience, you cannot predict how potty training will go this time.
Community Conversations
Do you remember Show & Tell days from elementary school? I remember going home from school the night before, looking around my room, and thinking about what I could take that would seem super cool.
Winter Beauty Survival Guide
Whether you thrive during the winter months, or loathe the onset of colder temperatures, there’s no denying that winter can be unforgivingly tough on your beauty routine. And since studies show that women feel most attractive during summertime, I thought why not share some winter survival tips I’ve found helpful.
Crafting Culinary Delights for the Holidays
Home a feast for the senses Crafting Culinary Delights for the Holidays The holidays have arrived, and it’s time to start prepping for that perfect feast. If you’re ready to try something new this year, we’ve got you covered. This post has gathered some of the best recipes, ensuring your feast will be memorable for […]
Crafting Culinary Delights for Thanksgiving
Home a feast for the senses Crafting Culinary Delights for Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and it’s time to start prepping for that perfect feast. If you’re ready to try something new this year, we’ve got you covered. This post has gathered some of the best Thanksgiving recipes, ensuring your feast will be […]
Reading Recommendations in Your Inbox
We have added new categories to our NextReads Newsletters. Whether you enjoy fiction or nonfiction, we have a list for you. If you like a little faith with your historical fiction, romance or suspense sign up for our Christian Fiction newsletter. The Fantasy & Science Fiction newsletter brings you the best of fantasy, science fiction and everything in between.
Resources for Disaster Recovery
Many counties, including Lexington, were declared disaster areas due to the impact of Hurricane Helene.
Books are Magical
Unleash the magic — open a book and make today extraordinary. September 25 is National Open the Magic Day. After discovering this celebration, I did a little digging because it reminded me of unicorns. My five-year-old daughter is rather obsessed with them.
Latin American & Caribbean Cookbooks
Hispanic Heritage Month is the perfect time to explore the culinary traditions of Latin America and the Caribbean. Whether you’re looking for traditional recipes or modern twists on classics, these books have got you covered.
Apple-solutely Love Fall
During the fall season, the apple truly hits its prime with delicious concoctions like apple cider, apple pie, caramel apples — and the list goes on. October marks National Apple Month, a dedication to the top-tier fruit that’s been around for nearly 10,000 years.
The Strange Origins of Everyday Things
Do you ever put your shoes on and wonder where the idea for them came from? Or pick up a child’s toy and think about how it’s made? What about those office supplies you use everyday? If you haven’t before, you will after reading about the origins of these everyday objects.
National Book Lovers Day
Calling all book lovers — did you know that there’s a day meant entirely for you? There’s no better way to celebrate than to grab a book, kindle or tablet and find a cozy place to read the day away.
National Mutt Day
If you’re anything like me, fur babies hold a very special place in my heart. Did you know that there’s a distinct holiday to celebrate our pups? July 31 is National Mutt Day.
Wine, Cheese & Books, Please
Since July 25 is National Wine and Cheese Day, I thought I’d make some reading and pairing suggestions. Who likes perusing their favorite genre or author with a nice red? Try reading on the patio with a chilled white? Here’s a list of some great pairings to get you started. If you have suggestions, we’d love to hear about some of your favorites, too.
Sink Your Teeth into Shark Week
What is the best thing about summer for those who love the ocean and all of its creatures? Sinking your teeth into Shark Week. New shows, new discoveries and new techniques for the conservation of these amazing creatures.