
Black History Month

Every February, we celebrate the achievements and history of African Americans as part of Black History Month. Literature in particular has been a space for black authors to tell their stories and bookworms seeking good reads can choose from an array of …

Board Games Aren’t Just for Fun

Board games aren’t just for fun — they’re learning tools. Cooperation, strategy, math, science, literacy, critical-thinking … there’s a game for that. From classic to brand new, here are some board games to play with your family.

Fall Into Winter Reading

The days are getting colder and the nights are getting longer — but reading always brightens up our day — so we’re challenging you to Fall Into Winter Reading. We realize you’re busy, so we made it simple.

Kindness Project

We invite you to join in spreading kindness throughout the month of November. The library offers a series of activities encouraging local residents to be kind to others, be kind to ourselves, be kind to animals and be kind to the earth.

It’s NaNoWriMo Time

Fall is finally here. That means football, pumpkin spice, temperatures below 90 degrees and — for the month of November — NaNoWriMo. NaNoWri—WHAT? National Novel Writing


Witches (and wizards) wield magic with a wave of a wand, a wiggle of a nose and the snap of a finger. Whether they are from Oz, Camelot, the Discworld — or the most magical land of all, Scotland — witches and wizards have made us spell-bound.


Who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf? Not us. Werewolves are one of the world’s most famous shape-shifters, and have enthralled us in stories — both in print and on screens. Below the glow of a full moon, werewolves frolic and stalk the night. But what else do you know about werewolves? Read these hair-raising facts, and become a shape-shifting scholar.


Mermaids swim and splash through our imaginations in a flurry of shells, seaweed and scales. They give us mental images of gorgeous beaches, serene lagoons, sunken pirate ships and underwater cities made of coral. Not to mention grottos full of human treasures such as gadgets, gizmos, whozits, whatsits and thingamabobs galore. The secretive nature of these elusive men and women of the sea leave us with many questions. Surf through these awesome Mermaid facts and feel free to shell them out as you “sea” fit.


Regardless of whether they are the heroes or villains of their story, vampires captivate our imaginations. These blood-sucking fiends (or, in some cases, friends) hide in the shadows, cloaked in the darkness of night. While vampires may hide from the sun, let us metaphorically shine a light on these ferocious, fanged creatures of the night.

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage

National Hispanic Heritage Month, from September 15 to October 15, traditionally honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society. To celebrate Hispanic authors, illustrators and creators this month (and every month) be sure to check out some excelente books written by Latinx authors.

Back to School

Summer is coming to an end which means it’s time to get ready for school. Avoid the anxiety and let this be an exciting time for you and your children. Keep these tips in mind for a smooth transition back to school.

Lefties Get Their Day

Oh, hear the cheerful cries of the left-handed population. August 13 is officially recognized as International Left-Handers Day, and I find it most important to honor these everyday troopers for making it in a right-handed world. Why, you ask?

Back to School During the Pandemic

This year, first-day-of-school jitters are mixed in with uncertainty, all while the coronavirus pandemic wreaks havoc on our lives. Hand sanitizer and laptops have replaced backpacks and lunch boxes as must-have items for returning students …

Camp NaNoWriMo

This summer, Lexington County Public Library encourages you to not only Imagine Your Story — but to tell it. Go camping in the comfort of your own home with Camp NaNoWriMo this July. This summer version of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) allows users to choose their goals for how they spend their time and utilize their creativity.

Upcoming YA Fiction Releases

YA (that’s young adult literature for newbies) has a lot of hot titles hitting the shelves this month — including books from some of our favorite authors and breathtaking debuts from fresh voices. We’ll experience the beginnings of exciting new series and the much-anticipated continuations and conclusions of others. No matter what you love, whether it’s thrillers, romance, fantasy, nonfiction or graphic novels, you’ll find a wide variety of books sure to satisfy every kind of reader. With all of these great works to read, you’ll be happily turning pages all summer long.

Literature’s Love Guru

As a Jane Austen novice, I was intrigued to read about one of her most popular novel characters, Emma, of whom Austen stated, “I am

Learn at Home

For supporting children’s continuous learning at home and for back-to-school plans, we’ve got you covered with virtual learning materials. Explore any interest, develop new skills, connect with others in the community.

The Joy of Rereading

My friends have always known me as the girl who’ll read anything — cereal boxes, bottles of ketchup, warning labels on medicine — if there are words

Pizza ♥️ Love

Whether you’re a thin crust fan or a deep dish enthusiast, I’m sure we can all agree on one thing — pizza is love. Pizza can

Jane Austen

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jane Austen is one of the most influential writers to this day. Jane Austen was born on December