Apple-solutely Love Fall
During the fall season, the apple truly hits its prime with delicious concoctions like apple cider, apple pie, caramel apples — and the list goes on. October marks National Apple Month, a dedication to the top-tier fruit that’s been around for nearly 10,000 years.
National Book Lovers Day
Calling all book lovers — did you know that there’s a day meant entirely for you? There’s no better way to celebrate than to grab a book, kindle or tablet and find a cozy place to read the day away.
National Mutt Day
If you’re anything like me, fur babies hold a very special place in my heart. Did you know that there’s a distinct holiday to celebrate our pups? July 31 is National Mutt Day.
Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Memorial Day isn’t the only major celebration in May. For the past 40 years, Americans have also honored the history and contributions of its Asian Americans and Pacific Islander.
Books in Verse
Roses are red, violets are blue, we recommend reading novels in verse, as something you should do. Novels in verse are not a new invention; if you haven’t experienced this thriving genre — now is the time, after all, April is National Poetry Month.
Beating the Winter, Back to Reality Blues
Winter is a beautiful and peaceful time of year, where life seems to slow down a bit for the holidays leading into the new year. When the new year arrives however, life tends to kick into overdrive. It’s a new semester at school, new projects at work and you’ve vowed this is the year to be healthy — all while dealing with everyday things, like catching up with your inbox and managing family schedules — and winter means shorter daylight hours and longer nights. It can be a lot of pressure to feel like there’s enough time in the day to get everything done without feeling overwhelmed.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
“Bah, hum bug.” Ebenezer Scrooge, an elderly, cantankerous miser, made his way into the homes and hearts of many people in the 1800s and has remained steadfast for decades. Charles Dickens wrote the classic tale A Christmas Carol, and published his work on December 19, 1843. Hoping to write his way out of a financial slump, Dickens penned this work as a commentary on how Victorian society treated the poor, as well as, the importance of goodwill towards all human beings. What better time to show goodwill than Christmas, right?
The Origins & History of Labor Day
For many of us, Labor Day signifies the end of summer and many of us celebrate it outside barbecuing. As we look forward to spending the holiday with our family and friends, we thought it would be interesting to look back and see how it was celebrated in the past.
Lefties Get Their Day
Oh, hear the cheerful cries of the left-handed population. August 13 is officially recognized as International Left-Handers Day, and I find it most important to honor these everyday troopers for making it in a right-handed world. Why, you ask?
Your Fall To-Do List
Too old for costumes and trick-or-treating but still looking for fun ways to rock the fall season? Try these ideas
The Jacked Squash
It’s National Pumpkin Day. This spectacular squash comes in different shapes and sizes — can be served as a mouthwatering main meal or a delectable dessert
May is Mystery Month
If you haven’t read a mystery lately, there’s no time like now to investigate criminally good fiction. Whether you like your mysteries cozy — or