
The Roaring Twenties

The 1920s was a decade of bold fashion, the rise of jazz music, the emergence of new technology and the discovery of the Lost Generation.

From Real to Reel

First coined in the 1940s, a biopic is a movie that dramatizes the life of one central historical figure. The majority of biographical films focus

Adjusting Library Services During COVID-19

All Lexington County Public Library branches are open —offering limited in-person services such as browsing, computers by appointment and mobile printing. Our highest priority is the health and well-being of our patrons, staff and volunteers. The library is closely monitoring the latest information and guidelines provided by the CDC and DHEC and we’ll continue to evaluate services daily. We encourage the public to practice social distancing. Limited services being offered in the branches include:

Jane Austen

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Jane Austen is one of the most influential writers to this day. Jane Austen was born on December

Unlock Your Potential

I remember being in school as a kid and wondering why we were only taught about historical Black figures during February. I then remember being confused because we only talked about well-known names like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.

The Golden Globes

The Golden Globes kicks off Hollywood’s award season every January ending with the Oscars in February. The Golden Globe Awards are are presented annually by

How to Hygge

In the last couple years (and particularly in the winter months), you may have stumbled upon a certain word … “hygge.” But what in the world

A Cup of Tea

I love any excuse to celebrate (and drink) tea. Sweet, iced tea is a staple in the South, but hot tea is one of the

A to Z Reading Challenge

It’s time to wrap up your 2019 resolutions and think about what you want to accomplish next year. Most of us consider the same resolutions