School at Home

distance learning school at home

The kids are bouncing off the walls — excited about a break from school, but now you’re tasked with managing them at home all day for weeks, potentially months, all while juggling work, dishes, laundry, taking care of the dog, cat, fish and all the other adulting stuff we do. Oh, I forgot to mention, the added stress of having to scavenge hunt grocery stores to find food, toilet paper and cleaning products (that are no where to be found) while practicing social distancing of a minimum of six feet. You really wish you had more hand sanitizer. It’s enough to drive anyone crazy.

Take a deep breath. You’ve got this — and we can help. The upside to this is family. Turn the unexpected time at home into fun opportunities for learning, playing and connecting with one another.

Storytimes & Digital Downloads

The websites below have stories for you to read aloud and video storytimes, as well as, crafts, games and hands-on activities to keep you and your children entertained for hours. Forget hearing, “I’m bored,” they’re going to be too busy learning.


Audiobooks, Ebooks & More


Storytime with Authors & Celebrities

Exploring the world online can be exciting and educational. The websites below have games because we all need a mind break, too.

Online Games


Hands-on Activities & Movement


Learn to Draw, Doodle & Sketch


Coloring Pages

Even as we are trying to keep our distance from one another, it doesn’t mean we’re completely confined to the walls within our homes. With all the closings and cancelations, many organizations have started offering virtual tours. So, there’s never been a better time to explore the world from the comfort of your couch.


Aquariums & Zoos




National Parks


States, Countries & Outer Space

Our beloved teachers are doing an incredible job of adapting lesson plans to fit this new era of digital learning. However, we all know there are many obstacles for children when school and home suddenly becomes the same place. If your students need a little help with certain subjects or perhaps they’re really interested in other subjects, the websites below can help.






Foreign Languages


Language Arts








Various Subjects

As we mentioned earlier, this is a big change for most of us, too. So, we rounded up some information about working from home, activities for infants, toddlers and preschoolers and anything else we thought could help.


Working from Home


Helping Students Learn from Home

Notice: All locations will be closed February 17 for Presidents Day.