Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month and to celebrate we have some facts about Native American history. However, please note that “Native American” encompasses many, many, many different cultures across the country — so for the purpose of this writing we have purposefully been very broad and focus largely on general Native American history. If you would like to learn more about a specific tribe and Indigenous history, visit any of our locations or go to Ask A Librarian for more information.
Fall Into Winter Reading
The days are getting colder and the nights are getting longer — but reading always brightens up our day — so we’re challenging you to Fall Into Winter Reading. We realize you’re busy, so we made it simple.
Kindness Project
We invite you to join in spreading kindness throughout the month of November. The library offers a series of activities encouraging local residents to be kind to others, be kind to ourselves, be kind to animals and be kind to the earth.
It’s NaNoWriMo Time
Fall is finally here. That means football, pumpkin spice, temperatures below 90 degrees and — for the month of November — NaNoWriMo. NaNoWri—WHAT? National Novel Writing