Dear Ally, How Do You Write a Book by Ally Carter
Consider This: Moments in My Writing Life After Which Everything Was Different by Chuck Palahniuk
Who Says? Mastering Point of View in Fiction
Storyville: An Illustrated Guide to Writing Fiction
Craft in the Real World: Rethinking Fiction, Writing & Workshopping
Writing Without Rules by Jeff Somers
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel: The Last Book on Novel Writing You’ll Ever Need
Writing 21st Century Fiction by Donald Maass
The Creative Compass by Dan Millman & Sierra Prasada
From Idea to Novel
How To Write a Page-turner: Craft a Story Your Readers Can’t Put Down
20 Master Plots by Ronald B. Tobias
Mastering Plot Twists
Elmore Leonard
27 Essential Principles of Story : Master the Secrets of Great Storytelling, From Shakespeare to South Park
Brave the Page by Rebecca Stern
Rules of Thumb